Advertising Behemoth: Prometheus (2012)
Prometheus managed to whip up a vast cloud of hype during its initial stirrings five years ago. Not the least bit content with the typical means of promotion, Prometheus gain admirable traction in the world of popular discussion by creating original videos like "Meet David" and "TED 2023 Footage." These videos, though bereft of tantalizing cinematic tidbits offered by the conventional trailer, featured the film's stars and helped establish the world in which Prometheus will be set. The latest of these videos is "Prometheus," a 124 minute video establishing the confines of what promises to be a thrilling main event known as Prometheus.
"Meet David", a much shorter advertisement for Prometheus
I know I'm risking redundancy by proclaiming the merits of this behemoth of advertising, but I can't help but exclaim by breathless wonder at its contents, for "Prometheus" is certainly the most impressive and comprehensive trailer I have ever seen. Though it's notable for its length alone, "Prometheus" is truly a testament to the fundamentals of movie advertising. It identifies the principal conflicts and challenging questions that will make up the movie it promises, questions of both human beings and artificial intelligences wrapped in existential crises that could be suddenly resolved by their ultimate creators. But, like all good trailers, not wanting to spoil the fresh-scented spring of a first view, none of the answers are revealed.
Given the time investment I'd hate to spill all the proverbial leguminosae, but it seems Prometheus will be about a woman and Michael Fassbinder's head on a madcap journey to the planet of our creators. There is also an amusing bit with a cesarean section that, though it be but my humble opinion, deserved better than a marketing aside and might have gone just fine in an actual film.
I can hardly wait for the movie.
Prometheus runs 124 minutes and is Rated R for sci-fi violence, including some intense images and brief language.