Good tidings!
An image of your humble reviewer in an unguarded moment
Greetings, oh brave traverser of the internet! You reached Mostmortem, the most bracingly positive horror production house and publication available to the public! Since October of 2017 we have been producing both original films and critical reviews with great enthusiasm. With this dual focus, we are able combine the screaming histrionics of artistic collaboration with the compromised integrity of critics dabbling in the very medium in which they are meant to be objective assessors. It has been quite the journey thus far!
Our forays into filmmaking have managed to attract some positive attention. Our work includes Misguided, which was given an award by the venerable Joe Bob Briggs and Bells, which was featured at the 50th Nashville Film Festival. Our latest short film Enough Sleep opened the 14th edition of Grimmfest in the United Kingdom.
The periodical portion of our site is manned solely by me, P.G. Hauntedhouse, from the first bud of an idea to the hearty smell of digital not-ink being slathered in jarring forms across this fabulous inter-web. That said, it does warrant the occasional editorial comment by Penny Dee, my most trusted critical adviser, occasional fiancé and temporary financier. I have assured her it will be a most profitable venture.
Though I am loathe to submit to the confines of ratings, I fear it is what the public demands. And so, Mostmortem shall follow, in its reviews, a 5 star rating system, the details of which can be be found below: